Day 1
For this short trip I decided I was not going to write a blog. This is it. The map shows my intended route as I set out: from SM north to Villa Pehuenia, West to Temuco, south to Quellón (on the island Chiloe) and back to SM through Puerto Montt and Villa Angostura.

Left San Martín de los Andes about 07.30, driving first to Lake Tromen in search of Pehuén pine cones. Easily found but needn’t have bothered as later in the day I saw lots on my route.
Drive from June to Pio Lil good, fast tarmac if a little twisty. From Pio Lil to the turn for Quillen the road was worse than ever, but still a beautiful drive. Thenceforth twenty km of broken tarmac and lunch in Aluminé – a tasty lamb stew.

Sadly my favourite pasta restaurant (Posta del Rey) had closed down – seems the owner died, but the food under the new owners was good, if not meeting my dreams.
After lunch drove out to Ruca Choroi – another familiar road, where I found more and better piñones. Then to my hotel for the night, impressive to look at and above my usual standard but only £25 or so for the night.

Skipped evening meal (huge lunch) but found bowls of (pehuén) pine kernels which I ‘stole’ with permission, so my collection is now complete.
Tomorrow I’ll be doing the short drive to Villa Pehuenia.