I found myself with a day to spare in Buenos Aires, en route from Lima, Peru to San Martín de los Andes, in Northern Patagonia. I spent a few hours in the Reserva Ecólogica Costanera Sur (RECS) – had lunch and then went up to the Northern Suburbs to the Vicente Reserve. It was a gorgeous day – hot and clear, with a light shore breeze. This time I was on my own.
I found a few life-listers: at least the giant wood rail costanera, the stripe-cheeked sparrow (tbc) and the The greenish yellow finch (tbc) at the RECS and the limpkin and fawn-breasted tanager (tbc) at the Vte. Lopez Reserve. Some of these and some others are still to be confirmed (tbc). Pictures of these follow immediately, and then I have posted a selection of some older friends.
As usual, click on any photo to access the slide show facility.
Some of my older friends follow.
All in all a gentle and pleasant day’s birding.