After my day in and around Mar del Plata I got up early and drove north from Mar del Plata to the coastal town of San Clemente de Tuyú, home to Mundo Marino (Sea World), although I did not visit it on this occasion. I was on my way to Punta Rasa, but will deal with my visit there in a second post. In San Clemente I was heading for the old port, a great place for birds, especially [migratory] water birds.
As I am putting up this post a long time after my visit I’ll just limit myself to listing some of what I saw, this time giving my IDs in the photo captions. Lifers of the morning were Bare-facded Ibis,White-rumped Swallow and Maguari Stork.

becasa de mar (Hudsonian godwit) Limosa haemastica – on ground

becasa de mar (Hudsonian godwit) Limosa haemastica – in air, a little confused, perhaps

benteveo comun (Great Kiskadee) Pitangus sulphuratus

tero real (Black-necked Stilt) Himantopus mexicanus

ciguena americana (Maguari stork) Ciconia maguari

[ON LEFT) ciguena americana (Maguari stork) Ciconia maguari

golondrina ceja blanca (Tachycineta leucorrhoa) White-rumped Swallow

pititoy grande (greater yellowlegs) Tringa melanoleuca

pitotoy chico (Lesser Yellowlegs) Tringa flavipes

hornero comun (Rufous Hornero aka Red Ovenbird) Furnarius rufus

lechucita vizcachera (burrowing owl) Athene cunicularia
and finally a little avian porn:

gorrion (house sparrow) Passer domesticus