I went with the Stockport local RSPB group to Tophill Low, south of Scarborough on the Eastern Yorkshire coast. It was a pleasant outing but very overcast and it rained all day. In between the rain showers I was able to take one or two photos.

Tophill Low nature Reserve
This was a mixed site – woodland and wetland – but I only really saw water birds. Here’s a male goldeneye taking to the skies.

Goldeneye taking to the air
And here again, with a lady friend

Male and juv female Goldeneye
A Greylag Goose, one of many we saw ..

Greylag goose
Plenty of curlew around today …

Curlew at the water side
The highlight of the day was a pair of scaup on one of the reservoirs – we knew they were there, but were also –with the aid of spotting scopes– actually able to find them. Here’s a male scaup quacking up a storm about something.

Scaup in the distance
There were plenty of teal on the water – here are a few on a mudbank, with other assorted ducks and swans.

Mixed waterfowl on a mud bank – mainly teal
Swans a plenty too – here’s a Mute Swan cygnet from last year in juvenile plumage and black beak.

A juvenile mute swan
And to finish off, a bit or mallard woohoo – clearly they thought it was spring already.

A pair of mallards engaged in a little woohoo