I revisited Pennington Flash with only two hours available, so divided my time between the Bunting Hide (with feeders) and the Teal and Tom Edmondson hides (for water fowl).
The Bunting hide was lavish in its food offerings, with perhaps the cheekiest little bird being this cute long-tailed tit.

Long-tailed Tit
In fact there were lots of these tiny little birds – they really are delicate little things, and very attractive.

Long-tailed Tits on feeder
Food tables were also well attended:

Blackbird (male)

Pair of bullfinches (male at left)
And even a moorhen had hopped onto a food table

Moorhen, unusually at food table
Other passerines were around the feeding area: chaffinches …

Chaffinch (female)

Chaffinch (male)
… a nuthatch …

.. a cheeeky reed bunting …

Reed Bunting (male)
… and a Blue tit.

Blue Tit
Water fowl seen included: shovellers

Male and female shovellers
… teal …

a teal
.. and, skulking in the undergrowth, a water rail …

Water Rail (half hidden}
… who eventually revealed himself

Water rail out in the open
Finally, as I was leaving, I saw a male gadwall swimming on the big lake at the entrance.

Gadwall (male)