Whenever I am in the city of Buenos Aires I like to take a trip to the Reserva Ecológica in the Costanera Sur (aka RECS). January visits are usually a bit hot and sticky, but on this occasion I was lucky: not only was the temperature a reasonable 24ºC but there was also a decent wind blowing.

Roseate Spoonbill (Sp. Espátula Rosada, Platalea ajaja)
I was lucky with the birds I saw too. You never know quite what you’re going to see at RECS, but I certainly wasn’t expecting a Spoonbill! Apparenty there are several around at the moment – this one was actually visible from the promenade outside the reserve.

Southern Screamer (Sp. Chajá, Chauna torquata)
I don’t recall having seen Southern Screamers in RECS before either, but as I said you’re never quite sure what you’ll see there. These two were also in the front lagoon, visible from the Promenade.

White-faced Whistling-Duck or White-faced Tree-Duck (Sp. Sirirí Pampa, Dendrocygna viduata)
I’ll let the remainder of the photos speak for themselves. They are only a small selection; I didn’t keep count, I very rarely do, but I must have seen 50-60 species in the five or so hours I was there. RECS really is a great place to while away a few hours when in the Capital.

Green-barred Woodpecker (Sp. Carpintero-Real Común, Colaptes melanochloros)

Gray-necked Wood-Rail (Sp. Chiricote, Aramides cajaneus)

Black-crowned Night-Heron (Sp. Garza Bruja, Nicticorax nicticorax)

Great Egret (Sp. Garza Blanca, Ardea alba)

Snowy Egret (Sp. Garcita Blanca, Egretta thula)

Giant Wood-Rail (Sp. Ipacaá, Aramides ypecaha)

Muscovy Duck (Sp. Pato Real, Cairina moschata)