Tomorrow I’ll be starting a blog of a trip I am making through the north-east of Argentina and parts of Paraguay. I’ll be on the road from 18 August to 24 September and hope to blog highlights here. A word of caution, however; much of the area I am visiting will have no electricity, let alone Internet connections, so I’ll post when I can.

The area we shall be covering. The red Xs mark places we shall be visiting.
Much of my focus will be wildlife, both birds and whatever else I have the good luck to see. I have dreams of big cats (in particular the jaguar), but am realistic enough to accept my chances are slim. Still, I should see plenty of other wild life and many, many birds.

One can dream … . Photo from
There will of course be other things to interest us, such as the Jesuit ‘Reductions’ (where native inhabitants were forcibly settled into religious communities) and the modern day (fortunately voluntary) Mennonite communities in Paraguay. And all the other tourist stuff.

We shall of course also be visiting the world-famoius Iguazú Falls
For the second half of my trip my sister Caroline will be joining me as we visit Paraguay. For this part of the trip we will use the services of a guide, as the area is simply too remote and potentially dangerous) for us to do it ourselves. Apart from anything else, 4WD is essential here, and to hire a 4WD would cost about as much as the guide – so better for us to be safe (and informed).

Why we need a four wheel drive vehicle …
I’m looking forward to travelling with Caroline again. We did a trip together last year through Welsh Patagonia and got on well together, and although I tend to travel by myself the company will be welcome.

A memory of our trip to Patagonia last year, with my jeep Silver.
More preliminary information about the trip here, and if you want to follow our progress the link here should always take you to our latest blog post. Watch this space.