This blog is continued from day 13 – see link here.
2 September 2017: Posadas to San Pedro
If you are wondering what happened to days 14 and 15, these were spent at an English Teacher’s conference in Posadas, where I gave a workshop, details not germane to this blog. So we resume on Day 16. Up early to sort out problems with double payment taken for car rental (which was potentially very expensive) and a misunderstanding over a UK client’s deadline (both frustrating and time-consuming) and back on the road by lunchtime.

Reducción de Santa Ana, one of the Jesuit missions in Argentina
Uneventful 300 km up to San Pedro, stopping twice: once to visit the Santa Ana Jesuit Mission and once for lunch (chef’s choice of boiled meat and boiled cassava). No birding, just foot to floor.

Boiled meat and manioc – tastier than it looks!
Got to cabin in San Pedro (Cabañas Suizas) by 18.00 for a quick and welcome shower (pretty hot in Misiones, especially inside a moving steel box) and then to Guy Cox’s house for a splendid home-cooked supper. Guy helped with a few IDs and we talked a little about tomorrow: an early start, and my introduction to birding in the selva.
We arranged to set off tomorrow at 06.30, so an early night was in order.