3 September 2017: San Pedro to the Karadya BioReserve
Got myself on time to Guy’s House for 06.30 and we drove in a rented 4×4 to the Parque Provincial Cruce Caballero, not far from San Pedro, an old araucaria forest that is almost untouched and the last of its kind anywhere. We followed a circular trail and saw and heard many birds, but most of these were hard to see and harder still to photograph as the trail was mostly shaded and the birds tended to keep to the shadows.

Red-rumped cacique (Cacicus haemorrhous) in Parque Provincial Cruce Caballero.
We saw several species of parrots, and a small flock of Green-billed Toucans that flew out into the light – also two capuchin monkeys at distance. At the entrance to the park was a large flock of Red-rumped caciques (Cacicus haemorrhous) that also kept mainly to the shadows but did occasionally venture out into the sunlight. Also a Sulfur-breasted toucan in the tree tops. A very enjoyable walk through traditional selva, and the limited photographic opportunities were fully mitigated by the pleasure and privilege of being in such a wonderful place.

Sulfur-breasted toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus)
Back to Guy’s for a tasty lunch and then on to the Karadya BioReserve, where we checked in to our cabin and then went to a forest balcony and feeding station for a welcome beer as the evening drew on. We’ll go back there in the morning – it promises to be a good place for photos, and to house a fair number of species.

Balcony at Karadya Birding Lodge and Reserve
Then back to the main lodge for a filling supper, and an early night for me as I am exhausted after today’s early start.