Day 20: 6 September 2017: SS de la Selva – Cataratas de Iguazú

Great Kiskadee, feathering his nest
Spent a lazy morning at the lodge in San Sebastian de la Selva, birding around the lodge and a couple of short trails.

Pale-breasted thrush

Ruddy Ground Dove
After a leisurely lunch we made our way up to Iguazú, a couple of hours drive. I was impressed to see that the highways authorities had included eco-bridges for the wildlife to cross safely.

Wildlife corridors are important, and it’s good to see them on highways in Misiones
We stopped a few times on the road to take photos, one of which was an Amazon lava lizard (Tropidurus torquatus), not to be confused with the black and white tegus (Tupinambis merianae) we had seen in SS de la Selva.

Amazon lava lizard (Tropidurus torquatus)

Some of the trees here are seriously thorny.
In Misiones I checked into a motel while Guy stayed with friends. I shall be here for several nights, until my sister Caroline arrives for the Paraguay part of the trip.

My cabin at Raices Pampeanas, a motel about a mile from Iguazú centre. I shall be staying here for a few nights.
In the evening Guy and I had a meal together and planned tomorrow’s birding.