Day 22: 8 September 2017 – Iguazú
I spent the morning with Guy, and we birded the Ruta 101 just outside the town of Puerto Iguazú. This was an excellent place for birding, the best of the places I had visited so far. Lots of birds here – one in particular, the squirrel cuckoo, was very hard for me to photograph, mainly because it was too big for parts of it not to be hidden in the foliage. I did manage in the end.

Squirrel Cuckoo on Route 101
By coincidence we met Oscar Rodriguez along the way, my guide-to-be in Paraguay next week. He had brought a small group from Paraguay – clearly the Ruta 101 is a well known place for birding. Good to say hello.

Magpie tanager, on Route 101
With Guy I saw lots of birds, and at lunchtime we visited the Hummingbird gardens in Iguazú. Sadly low light made it hard to take photos, but we did see lots of humming birds and some other small birds. This place is also well worth a visit.

Versicolored Emerald hummingbird, on feeder in Humming Bird garden

Violaceous euphoria, also seen in Humming Bird garden
We had lunch in the bus station, and after lunch Guy took a bus back to San Pedro. I went out to an animal rehabilitation centre just outside the town: Güira Oga. This was a wonderful place too, with many interesting birds and animals that I could see close up, but once again the light was very bad for photos. I made a mental note to go back one day.

Southern tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla), also called the collared anteater or lesser anteater, one of many rescue animals in Güira Oga
Had my evening meal by myself (supermarket purchases) in the motel, and planned for tomorrow when Caroline will be arriving. Again the wifi was working well.

A snack supper (the beer is out of sight)
My trip alone will finish here, as next day it will be a new trip with my sister Caroline. However, I shall continue with the same day numbering system.
Summary of lifers seen with Guy
• arañero cara negra (Masked Yellowthroat) Geothlypis aequinoctialis
• arasari fajado (Chestnut-eared Aracari) Pteroglossus castanotis
• boyero cacique (Red-rumped Cacique) Cacicus haemorrhous
• brasito de fuego (Red pileated finch) Coryphospingus cucullatus
• carpintero arco iris (Yellow-fronted Woodpecker) Melanerpes flavifrons
• carpintero oliva manchado (white-spotted woodpecker) Veniliornis spilogaster
• chacurú cara negra (White-eared puffbird) Nystalus chacuru
• chimachima (Yellow-headed Caracara) Milvago chimachima
• choca común (Variable Antshrike) Thamnophilus caerulescens
• frutero corona amarilla (Black-goggled tanager) Trichothraupis melanops
• frutero coronado (ruby-crowned tanager) Tachyphonus coronatus
• frutero overo (magpie tanager) Cissopis leverianus
• golondrina ala blanca (White-winged Swallow) Tachycineta albiventer
• golndrina doméstica (Grey-breasted Martin) Progne chalybea
• loro maitaca (Scaly-headed Parrot) Pionus maximiliani
• mielero (Bananaquit) Coereba flaveola
• mosqueta enana  (Eared pygmy tyrant) Myiornis auricularis
• mosqueta pico curvo (Rough-legged Tyrannulet) Phyllomyias burmeisteri
• pepitero verdoso (Green-winged Saltator) Saltator similis
• picaflor corona violacea (violet-capped woodnymph) Thalurania glaucopis
• picaflor esmeralda (Versicolored Emerald) Amazilia versicolor
• picaflor negro (Black Jacobin) Florisuga fusca
• saracura (Slaty-breasted Wood-Rail) Aramides saracura
• surucua amarillo (Black-throated Trogon) Trogon rufus
• surucua común (Surucua trogon) Trogon surrucura
• tangará amarillo (Violaceous Euphonia) Euphonia violacea
• tarefero (olivaceous woodcreeper) Sittasomus griseicapillus
• tersina (Swallow Tanager) Tersina viridis
• tijereta (Fork-tailed Flycatcher) Tyrannus savana
• tingazú (Squirrel Cuckoo) Piaya cayana
• torcacita colorada (Ruddy Ground Dove) Columbina talpacoti
• trepador oscuro (Planalto woodcreeper) Dendrocolaptes platyrostris
• tucán Grande(toco Toucan) Ramphastos toco
• tucan pico verde (Sulfur-breasted toucan) Ramphastos sulfuratus
• urraca común (Plush-crested Jay) Cyanocorax chrysops
• vencejo de cascada (Great dusky swift) Cypseloides senex
• viudita enmascarada (Masked Water-Tyrant) Fluvicola nengeta
• yetapa grande (Streamer-tailed tyrant) Gubernetes yetapa
• yetapa negra (Long-tailed tyrant) Colonia colonus
• zorzal sabiá (Pale-breasted Thrush) Turdus leucomelas
Trip blog continues here.