Sing a (happy) song of Wifi


What a great feeling when I walk into a bar that I have no recollection of having ever visited and find that I must have –and, working it out with my travel diary, at least four years ago– because the wifi remembers me.

Well, it’s not exactly the wifi that remembered me, but Apple’s wonderful Time Machine and Migration Assistant and the fact that my settings are automatically updated across all my machines. So each time I buy a new laptop or handheld it inherits all my wifi passwords going back until I started using Time Machine, about 4 years ago.

This is how software should be – like the telephone, invisible and just working in the background. No, I’m not selling Apple –they have some good stuff, but so do other manufacturers– but I do like the way that some aspects of software do work, and in doing so make your life simple. Sadly, there is other software …

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