Getting ready – three weeks to go

From 18 August to 15 October I am planning a trip through north-central Argentina. The purpose is to enjoy the people, culture and food and drink of the area, and to see and photograph some of the birds and wildlife of these regions

This combination of maps and itinerary give the general plan of where I intend to go. However, I do not intend to be a slave to it so it should be seen as a best intentions rather than set in stone. In particular, I’d be happy to make contact with anyone living on route if they want to get in touch with me.
Stage 1: I start in San Martin de los Andes and drive up to Formosa

Thu 18 Aug………… San Martín – Chos Malal
Fri 19 Aug………….. Chos Malal – Malargue
Sat 20 Aug…………. Malargue – San Luis
Sun 21 Aug…………. San Luis – Villa Carlos Paz
Mon 22 Aug……….. Day in Cordoba Hills
Tue 23 Aug………… Villa Carlos Paz – La Para
Wed 24 Aug……….. La Para – Gobernador Crespo
Thu 25 Aug………… Gobernador Crespo – Resistencia
Fri 26 Aug………….. Resistencia – Formosa

Sat 27 Aug…………. spare day in Formosa?
Stage 2: this is the bulk of the trip, visiting Formosa, the Chaco and Iberá
Sun 28 Aug…………. Meet Ariel – where?
Mon 29 Aug……….. Reserva Guaycolec.
Tue 30 Aug………… Parque Nacional Río Pilcomayo y Laguna Blanca
Wed 31 Aug……….. AICA Misión Tacaglé
Thu 1 Sep………….. Bañado La Estrella (Fortín Soledad)
Fri 2 Sep……………. Bañado La Estrella (Vertedero)
Sat 3 Sep…………… Reserva Natural Formosa
Sun 4 Sep………….. Laguna Yema y regreso a Resistencia Chaco
Mon 5 Sep…………. Resistencia to Mercedes
Tue 6 Sep………….. Mercedes to Carlos Pelligrini
Wed 7 Sep…………. Carlos Pelligrini & environs
Thu 8 Sep………….. Carlos Pelligrini & environs
Fri 9 Sep……………. Carlos Pelligrini & environs
Sat 10 Sep………….. Carlos Pelligrini to Mercedes
Sun 11 Sep…………. Mercedes to Mburucuyá
Mon 12 Sep……….. Mburucuya Park.
Tue 13 Sep…………. Mburucuyá to Loreto
Wed 14 Sep……….. Loreto – Ituzaingo
Thu 15 Sep…………. Ituzaingo / Cambyretá & area
Fri 16 Sep………….. Ituzaingo / Cambyretá & area
Sat 17 Sep………….. Ituzaingo / Cambyretá & area
Sun 18 Sep…………. Ituzaingo – Colonia Benitez
Mon 19 Sep……….. In or near Colonia Benitez – two reserves …
Tue 20 Sep…………. Colonia Benitez – Quitilipi – Pampa del Indio
Wed 21 Sep……….. Pampa del Indio – Pampa de Infierno
Thu 22 Sep…………. Pampa de Infierno – Tantanacuy
Fri 23 Sep………….. Tantanacuy & excursions
Sat 24 Sep………….. Tantanacuy & excursions
Sun 25 Sep…………. Tantanacuy & excursions
Mon 26 Sep……….. Tantanacuy & excursions
Tue 27 Sep…………. Tantanacuy & excursions
Wed 28 Sep……….. Tatanacuy to Parque National El Impenetrable
Thu 29 Sep…………. Parque National El Impenetrable
Fri 30 Sep………….. Parque National El Impenetrable
Sat 1 Oct…………… Parque National El Impenetrable – Reserva Colonia Benitez
Sun 2 Oct…………… Colonia Benitez to Posadas
Stage 3: a few days in Misiones

Mon 3 Oct…………. Posadas to San Pedro
Tue 4 Oct…………… San Pedro to B. Irigoyen
Wed 5 Oct…………. B. Irigoyen – Karadya
Thu 6 Oct…………… At Karadya
Fri 7 Oct……………. Karadya – SS Selva – Ecoparque Urugua-I
Sat 8 Oct…………… Iguazu
Sun 9 Oct…………… Iguazu – Posadas

Stage 5: the long drive home.

Mon 10 October……… Posadas – Bonpland
Tue 11 October…….. Bonpland – Gualeguaychu
Wed 12 October….. Gualeguaychu – Ceibas
Thu 13 October……. Ceibas
Fri 14 October….. Ceibas – Trenque Lauquen
Sat 15 October……. Trenque Lauquen – PN Lilué Calel
Sun 16 October…….. PN Lilué Calal – Plottier
Mon 17 15 October……. Plottier – San Martín de los Andes
And that’s it. If you live along my route and would like to meet up do get in touch. I’m sure we can work something out.