Date: Martes 23 August 2022
Trajectory: Villa Carlos Paz – Miramar
Distance covered: 238 km (no diversions)

A short drive today, and a leisurely one. Spent first 90 mins on urban highways and a four lane motorway – a long way from the dirt roads to come further north. Not so good for driving, either, as more attention is needed on the traffic and even if I did see anything interesting stopping is not really a possibility and turning round on a dual carriageway is impossible.

Lunch as always in a place where I can keep an eye on the car. Not quite sure what it was, but very tasty.

Pretty uneventful day, really. Bird of the day the Muscovy Duck – a large number of which were in a stretch of fresh water in La Para, where I had lunch.

Finally arrived in Miramar, on the shore of Mar Chiquita, where I was greeted by this rather kitsch statue on the central roundabout.

I decided I could do better than that, and went for a walk along the shore to find my own flamingoes. There are three different flamingo species here and I’m not yet sure which these are.

Short entry today as I’m staying the night with my friend Walter, and finishing the diary early so as not to be unsociable when I arrive. Tomorrow he’s taking me birding in the Ansenuza National Park. Watch this space.