Date: Thursday 25 August 2022
Trajectory: Altos de Chipión – Goberndor `Crespo
Distance covered: 260 km

Uneventful night, warm as toast in my sleeping bag. Looked in at the police station to offer thanks and make my goodbyes and was on the road by 08.00.
Looking in the back of the car as I left I realised that the neatness had somehow disappeared. Made a mental note to do something about it later – at least I know where everything is! I took away a souvenir of Lake Ansenuza in the shape of a handy bag.

I stopped for a couple of coffees while I finished yesterday’s blog. Back on the road by 10.00 and drove fairly slowly as it was good birding country, especially when I hit the dirt road I had chosen.
Very quiet roads today. A few farmers riding roadside …

… accompanied by countless birds. Hard to choose a bird of the day but have opted for the majestic Savannah Hawk.

Not much to report at all today – it was a short drive and I was still a bit birded out after yesterday’s strenuous birding session with Walter. Drove slowly, and took lots of photos but no lifers today. Arrived in Gobernador Crespo at about three o’clock and was grateful for a good hot shower.

A short siesta before retiring to the restaurant area to catch up with email and this blog. Trying to stay off the beer, so went for the standard Argentine drink in these parts – Fernet with Coke. I just loved the dinky bottles.

Not quite sure just yet about tomorrow’s drive. I think a little research is required, along with a bit more Fernet.