Date: Sunday 28 August 2022
Trajectory: Resistencia – Formosa
Distance covered: 180 km

Rained very heavily in the Resistencia night. Indifferent breakfast, ruined by too many noisy kids assembled in the dining room for a Tae Kwon Do competition. Went to pick up car from cochera and realised it was cold, quite a surprise after the heat of last night.

It was a short drive today, so I took it very easily, exploring byways a piacere. But first I stopped for a decent coffee, car as always where I could see it.

And then I hit the open road …

My little deviations took me through some pretty towns, which the highways tend to bypass …

… and I passed quite a few shrines, the red flags on this one linking it to the cult of the Gauchito Gil.

Finally I came to the border with Formosa Province, the only province in Argentina I had not previously visited.

My bird of the day: the Shiny Cowbird, because there were so many clouds of them all along the highway …

… but a special mention for this wood stork and great egret who were sharing a roadside pool.

And I recorded the demise of a roadkill comadreja – not at all sure what this would be in English.

And finally to my Formosa hotel, booked for me by Ariel, my guide for the next few days. It’s a bit 1984 inside and there was no hot water until 18.00 but it seems comfortable enough.

And tomorrow the birding trip with Ariel begins.
Lovely to follow you on the road – here I already have number to contact a cabin or apartment in Las ovejas where I stsyed before
Yes, sounds good. Let’s look at this when I get back to SM in October.