Date: Tuesday 22 August 2022
Trajectory: Formosa – Laguna Blanca
Distance covered: 120 km (plus diversions)

Today I took a lot of photos and I also had connection problems so again I am using only iPhone photos for the blog.

Breakfast mate and we were on our way. Today we visited a number of sites within the Pilcomayo National Park. On our way there we passed a friendly homestead …

We spent the day in the Pilcomayo National Park in two areas: the ‘Estero Poi’ ….

… and the ‘Laguna Blanca’ …

with its boardwalks

These two, and the connecting drives, provided us with a wide range of habitats. Typical of this part of Formosa is the Savannah …

… but we also followed a number of trails …

And were never far from the river Pilcomayo.

Much in evidence were termites’ nests: some in mounds on the ground:

And some in trees:

We kept an eye open for monkeys and maned wolves but were unsuccessful, but we did find recent evidence of maned wolves on one of the trails.

Bird of the day – the cattle tyrant, which we saw pretty much everywhere although it was in fact a great day’s birding.

By the end of the day we were well tired, but I still had to write up the day’s blog. Time then for wine, food and a good night’s sleep.

Tomorrow we’ll explore more o the surrounding country.