Date: Friday 23 September 2022
Trajectory: Tantanacuy Ecolodge and nearby roads
Distance covered: 130 km

Very interesting breakfast, with pan casero and varios home made jams – these here all from various cactus and succulents, and all interesting tastes.

After breakfast I sussed out a good place for a trail camera, a water hole in the very dry landscape here …

… which I’ll check tomorrow. For now I left the camera in place.

Then to an asado in the countryside with a local family who keep bees and other animals…

… consisting of pork and beef, salad, roast vegetables, etc. …

… followed by a walk around their land to see the most enormous palo borracho tree.

I bonded with the owner of the land, who was very proud of his Chaco heritage and keen to explain flora and fauna …

… and who invited us to his nearby farm where we spent a pleasant two or three hours among the people and animals while his brothers drank mate and dehusked maize for the livestock.

Drove back to the Tantanacuy Guest House for beer and snooze, then supper.

Bird of the day: the grayish baywing.

Tomorrow yet to define.
That palo borracho is more like it! Defo been on the juice!
Now, that’s more like it – defo been on the juice!