Date: Saturday 24 September 2022
Trajectory: Tantanacuy Ecolodge – Misión Nueva Pompeya
Distance covered: 100 km

Left Tantanacuy for an ‘ethno-cultural’ day, visiting local people and learning about their lives. First stop a bilingual school, Spanish/Wichi. Interestingly, some English had crept in, courtesy of the director who is very eco-aware.

Picked up something new for my bathroom door collection too.

The school was at the heart of the Wichi community, and I was accompanied by two ‘guides’ who were happy to show me around.

Their very limited Spanish and my non-existent Wichi made for an interesting tour, which seemed to centre on trees as much as people. Here’s one example – sorry, don’t know what kind of tree this is.

I particularly liked their meeting area – where plans and dreams can be discussed under the shade of a tree.

A little bit of shopping followed – I turned down the offer of a cow’s head but bought some sunscreen for a future boat trip.

Then to a leatherworker’s home where I bought a rawhide lasso …

…and had a tasty lunch of pulled goat cooked in maize flour – much tastier than it sounds.

They make all kinds of leather wear including full body protection against thorns for people and horses.

And I went on a river trip in a kayak …

… and visited a weaver, currently working on a giant anteater ….

… and a worker with Palo Santo wood, from whom I bought a mortero

All in all a fascinating day. Everyone I meet is very proud of their Chaco, and I am learning a lot about it.
Not much birding these days, but not a problem. I did get my bird of the day on my walk around the Wichi school – a whistling heron (replacement photo).

Supper was a strange invention – very tasty, but hard to describe: a triple sandwich cooked in cheese with meat and salad filling. Washed down with Brahma beer.

I was amused by the name of the restaurant, Clemente, a reminder of a World Cup way back when

Tomorrow, back to Tantanacuy.