Date: Wednesday, 28 September 2022
Trajectory: Presidencial Roque Saenz Peña – Resistencia
Distance covered: 205 km

Left the comfort of my hotel after a leisurely breakfast, feeling slightly discombobulated by the spider in my bathroom as I paid a last visit. I would think about two inches long.

My first objective of the day was to find a replacement cable for my Apple laptop charger which had become unusuable. Couldn’t do that, but with the help of a friendly electrician I was able to invent a replacement (don’t tell Apple!).
Then I took a few detours on country roads near Roque Saenz Peña looking for early morning birds. My bird of the day, a guira cuckoo, comes from these early morning wanderings.

And just as well I went off looking for birds. I arrived at Quilitipi to find they were just ending a three piquete (that’s when citizens block highways). Guess luck was on my side; I could have been stuck on a hot highway for hours.
The short drive to Resistencia was otherwise uneventful. I passed lots of wood sellers on the road …

… and was tempted to buy one or two bits and pieces for my new house.
Alejandra Boloqui had arranged tonight’s hotel for me and it turned out to be quite palatial, both outside …

.. and inside

I ate in the hotel, and intend to leave early tomorrow for Itzaingo.