Date: Thursday, 29 September 2022
Trajectory: Resistencia – Ituzaingo
Distance covered: 235 km

After a leisurely breakfast left for Ituzaingo, still a little bemused by the splendour of my hotel.

Stopped for good coffee at an ACA service station which was full of Brazilian bikers. I see quite a few on the road: big, heavy and expensive bikes, usually in groups of four or five.

As I drove away the heavens opened and I had torrential rain until just before Ituzaingo, as I approached the Cambyreta Portal to the Esteros de Iberá.

I went a few kilometres down a side road in search of the elusive Monjita Dominicana, once again dipping. I did, however, see a number of birds and chose for my bird of the day: the Black-collared Hawk.

The rain shortly returned, accompanied by cold – the coldest day so far. I’m back at the Casa Bonita, dry and comfortable. Scheduled to meet Alejandra tonight for dinner, and a debriefing on my Tantanacuy experiences.
I’m driving tomorrow to Posadas and possibly on to Obera. Will sleep on it.