Date: Wednesday, 05 October 2022
Trajectory: Posadas to Cuatro Bocas
Distance covered: 420 km

A hard drive today, with little to report other than a warning light that came up on the dash to change the transmission belt. Lost a few hours locating a new belt and a willing mechanic but eventually was back on the road with my wallet US$100 or so lighter.
No hotels at all on or near the RN14 until I finally spotted a YPF Motel at Cuatro Bocas.

Nothing here other than a service station and no cooking facilities so I guess it’s fast food tonight. Or I could open a jar of Rabbit Escabeche I bought out of curiosity a few days ago.

We’ll see. Bird of the day, spied from the car window, a Maguari stork.

Tomorrow, on to Gualeguaychú.