I was tired last night and went to bed reasonably early, but not before celebrating my arrival in Coyhaique with a refreshing mojito. As I took my first sip I realised it should have been a Pisco Sour, but that can wait for the next one.

The streets were full of bizarrely dressed kids trick or treating, what with itt being Halloween. Strange [to me] to see this Irish American tradition in southern Chile, but guess it’s all over the world now. Including the women who served me my [unexpectedly expensive] supper.

This is the hostel I stayed in last night and will stay in tonight. Friendly and comfortable but only powdered instant coffee. Like all travellers I carry essentials, so broke out some Cabrales coffee bags and peace was restored.

It was a working day for me. Fortified by coffee and sweet breads (not sweetbreads) I worked till lunchtime reviewing exam questions and then went out to find sustenance. Which I found in then shape of, what else, a Peruvian restaurant.

Rather than beer or wine I opted for a jug of chicha, refreshing and nostalgic. The menu was extensive (you can check with the optical code) – I had bird and surf, chopped slices of chicken with assorted shellfish served with rice and chips. Good, filling stuff, as my lunches are tending to be.

So I needed to walk it off a bit. Coyhaique is a beautiful little town, and no doubt because of tourists doing the Carretera Austral has developed more sophisticated infrastructure than other neighbouring community centres. It even has a casino, which –even if they had let me in in my dishevelled travelling gear– I was able to resist.

Above is the street corner of my hotel, a quiet area with the mountains in the background. Below, part of the Plaza de Armas, central square, where they were getting together for celebrations at the weekend. Lots of artesania there, which I did succumb to, including a nice hand-woven mat for my new house.

Back to the hotel for a short siesta and some more item reviewing, and out for my promised Pisco sour with supper.

Tomorrow an early start and south down Ruta 7 as far as Puerto Guadal. If I’m lucky I may see some huemules along the way, but I dare not hope.

Hmm…I hope you a balancing those chips and rice with some healthy exercise! xx