Date: Saturday 27 August 2022
Trajectory: Reconquista – Resistencia
Distance covered: 220 km

It was warm last night at Resistencia, and it was warm in the morning as I left. No more sweaters, I feel. Typical if uninspiring hotel breakfast, and off to pick up last night’s laundry – then on the road again.

Curiosity of the day was undoubtedly this tower, beautifully built of brick in the middle of nowhere. Once part of a sugar cane refinery it has been restored and apparently then abandoned. It’s still very impressive.

Today’s bird of the day was probably this juvenile roadside hawk ….

… while this crested caracara’s tussle with a largish snake is surely worth a mention.

About half way through today’s drive I came to the town of Florencia, for personal reasons well worth a picture. I love the way all these northern towns spell out their names for passing travellers in colourful fashion.

I stopped for coffee here, and as I drove off was stopped by a nice police lady for not having my lights on as I entered the highway. She had me bang to rights and offered me a fine of the cost of three hundred litres of petrol but together we agreed this would mean a lot of paperwork and a long delay so we settled for the price of some meat and wine for an asado for the lads and lasses at the local police station. This is Argentina.

Shortly afterwards we entered the province of Chaco …

….. where the roads turned seriously bad

and in another half hour I was in Resistencia, where I was to spend the night.
But first there was the matter of a spot of lunch …

with pudding, flaming as it arrived at the table …

And then the check-in at the hotel. If it had been warm last night it was positively hot tonight … I guess it’s going to get worse from here northwards.

Tomorrow will be the final leg of my journey north to Formosa