Date: Friday 9 September 2022
Trajectory: Carlos Pelligrini
Distance covered: 40 km on foot and in car

A wet, windy, cold and overcast day, and still feeling rough from what I hope is a pollen allergy.
I had arranged to meet my guide, Roque, in the morning and made the effort but my heart wasn’t really in it.

It did however produce my bird of the day, a yellow cardinal, quite a hard bird to find unless you know where to go. Roque did.

Back to the lodge for lunch and a lie down

And after lunch and snooze, to Leslie Cook’s Posada for tea and talk.

Then back again to the lodge to sit in front of a nice warm fire while I complete today’s entry and await my last cordon bleu dinner. Back to street food tomorrow.

Tomorrow I leave Carlos Pelligrini, heading for Mercedes. Hotels hard to book (it’s the weekend) so fingers crossed. There’s always the car.

I noted this welcome when I arrived here. No doubt there will be a corresponding farewell sign when I leave.