Date: Monday, 03 October 2022
Trajectory: Puerto Iguazú to San Ignacio
Distance covered: 250 km

Strange noises in the night turned out to be a nest by my bedroom window – can’t identify the species.

A picnic breakfast of leftovers and a visit to the humming bird garden before leaving Puerto Iguazú.

It’s a very small garden but is full of birds, mainly humming birds.

Here’s one of the humming birds in the garden – there should be between 10 and 16 species if you know how to distinguish them (I’m learning!).

So I don’t [yet] know what kind of bird that is, and won’t have time to work on the 250 photos I took until the journey is over.
My bird of the day is a thrush-like wren that I spotted high in a palm tree in the street outside – not a great photo, but a lifer.

I liked this sign in the bird garden …

… and I made friends with a turtle there (no idea what species).

After nearly two and a half hours I had the final remains of my picnic breakfast and drove on to San Ignacio, to the friendly hotel La Toscana where I was ready for a siesta.

Tomorrow I hope to visit the Jesuit ruins at San Ignacio and if time Loreto and Sta Ana before continuing south.