This is a random selection of land mammals that I have taken on my travels. Generally speaking (but not always) the photos seen here are first posted on Instagram or Facebook and later uploaded here; the collection is constantly growing, and may not always be up to date. Some photos have been taken of animals in conservation reserves and private collections - this is always indicated in the description and these photos will be replaced if/when I get a shot of the same species in the wild. English or Spanish names may vary from region to region. Spanish names are mostly those used in Argentina, where known - otherwise I have followed suggestions in Wikipedia. Numbers at right are my catalogue accession numbers and can be ignored, but do serve as links to the files. Country flags refer to where the photo was taken and are also links to photos. All photographs are watermarked and are copyright to Martin Eayrs. Comments and corrections are always welcome and may be directed here. |
Argentina | Brazil | Chile | Paraguay | Peru | Uruguay | UK | USA |
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Order - Family - Species | English name | Name in Spanish | Seen | Setting | Accession # |
ARTIODACTYLA - Bovidae - Bubakus bubalis | Water Buffalo | Búfalo de Agua | farm wetlands | 022 | |
ARTIODACTYLA - Camelidae - Lama glama | Llama | Llama | roadside of rural highway | 010 | |
ARTIODACTYLA - Camelidae - Lama guanicoe | Guanaco | Guanaco | roadside of rural highway | 031 | |
ARTIODACTYLA - Camelidae - Lama vicugna | Vicuna | Vicuña | altiplano | 006 | |
ARTIODACTYLA - Cervidae - Blastocerus dichotomus | Marsh Deer | Ciervo de los Pantanos | swampland | 029 | |
ARTIODACTYLA - Cervidae - Elapherus davidianus | Père David's Deer | Ciervo Padre David | forest | 019 | |
ARTIODACTYLA - Cervidae - Mazama gouazobira | Grey Brocket [Deer] | Corzuela Parda | edge of marshland | 011 | |
ARTIODACTYLA - Cervidae - Pudu pudu | Pudu | Pudú | roadside of rural highway | 008 | |
ARTIODACTYLA -Tayassuidae - Catagonus wagneri | Chacoan Peccary | Tagua | conservation reserve | 015 | |
ARTIODACTYLA - Tayassuidae - Tayassu pecari | White-lipped Peccary | Pecarí barbiblanco | conservation reserve | 013 | |
ARTIODACTYLA -Tayassuidae- Dicotyles tajacu | Collared Peccary | Pecarí de Collar | conservation zoo enclosure | 014 | |
CARNIVORA - Canidae - Chrysoocon brachyrus | Maned Wolf | Aguará Guazú | conservation zoo enclosure | 012 | |
CARNIVORA - Canidae - Lycalopex culpaeus | Culpeo | Zorro Culpeo | river in valley | 035 | |
CARNIVORA - Canidae - Lycalopex gymnocerus | Grey Fox | Zorro Pampeano | roadside | 036 | |
CARNIVORA - Canidae - Speothos venaticus | Bush Dog | Perro Venadero | conservation zoo enclosure | 009 | |
CARNIVORA - Feliformia - Panthera once | Jaguar | Jaguar | zoo enclosure | 037 | |
CARNIVORA - Mustelidae - Galictis cuja | Lesser Grisson | Hurón Menor | highway roadkill | 064 | |
CARNIVORA - Mustelidae - Pteronura brasiliensis | Giant River Otter | Nutria Gigante | conservation zoo enclosure | 026 | |
CARNIVORA - Procyonidae - Nasuaa nasua | South American Coati | Coati de cola anillada | tropical forest | 007 | CARNIVORA - Puma - Puma concolor | Puma | Puma Concolor | eco-zoo | 030 | CINGULATA - Chlamyphoridae - Chaetophractus villosus | Big Hairy Armadillo | Armadillo Peludo | tropical forest | 024 |
LAGOMORPHA - Leporidae - Orcytolagus cuniculus | European Rabbit | Conejo Europeo | grassland | 028 | |
LAGOMORPHA - Leporidae - Lepus europaeus | European Hare | Liebre Europeo | shrubland | 027 | |
MYRMECOPHAGIDAE - Myrmechophagidae - Mymeecophega tridactyla | Giant Anteater | Oso Hormiguero Gigante | zoo enclosure | 034 | |
MYRMECOPHAGIDAE - Tamandua - Tamandua tetradactyla | Southern Tamandua | Oso Melero | rescue centre | 033 | |
PERISSODACTYLA - Tapiridae - Tapirus terrestris | Lowland Tapir | Tapir Amazónico | rescue centre | 032 | |
PRIMATES - Atelidae - Alouetta caraya | Black Howler Monkey | Mono Carayá negro y rubio | forest land | 002 | |
PRIMATES - Cebidae - Samiri biliviensis | Black-capped Squirrel Monkey | Mono Ardilla Boliviano | forest land | 023 | |
PRIMATES - Cebidae - Sapajus apella | Tufted capuchin | Mono Cai | Eco-park | 063 | |
RODENTIA - Castoridae - Castorinae castor | North American Beaver | Castor Americano | river | 025 | |
RODENTIA - Caviidae - Dolichotis patagonum | Patagonian Mara | Mara | roadside | 021 | |
RODENTIA - Caviidae - Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris | Capybara | Carpincho | farmland near water | 016 | |
RODENTIA - Caviidae - Microcavia australis | Southern Mountain Cavy | Cuis Chico | dry open land | 021 | |
RODENTIA - Chinchillidae - Lagidium viscacia | Southern Viscacia | Vizcacha Montañera | rocky slopes | 065 | |
RODENTIA - Echimyidae - Myocastorini coypus | Coypu | Coipu | wetland | 018 | |
RODENTIA - Dasyproctidae - Dasyprocta azarae | Azara's Agouti | Agurí de Azara | estancia gardens | 017 |