
Wildlife - Land Mammals - UK and Europe

This is a random selection of land mammals that I have taken on my travels.  Generally speaking (but not always) the photos seen here are first posted on Instagram or Facebook and later uploaded here; the collection is constantly growing, and may not always be up to date. Some photos have been taken of animals in conservation reserves and private collections - this is always indicated in the description and these photos will be replaced if/when I get a shot of the same species in the wild.

English or Spanish names may vary from region to region. Spanish names are mostly those used in Argentina, where known - otherwise I have followed suggestions in Wikipedia. Numbers at right are my catalogue accession numbers and can be ignored, but do serve as links to the files. Country flags refer to where the photo was taken and are also links to photos.

All photographs are watermarked and are copyright to Martin Eayrs. Comments and corrections are always welcome and may be directed here.

England Ireland N. Ireland Scotland Wales

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Order - Family - Species English name Name in Spanish Seen Setting #
ARTIODACTYLA - Bovidae - Bos taurus Highland Cattle Vaca de las Tierras Altas open countryside 047
ARTIODACTYLA - Cervidae - Capreolus caprolus Roe Deer Corzo open countryside 041
ARTIODACTYLA - Cervidae - Cervus elephus Red Deer Ciervo Rojo open countryside 001
ARTIODACTYLA - Cervidae - Cervus nippon Sika Deer Ciervo Sica open countryside 040
ARTIODACTYLA - Cervidae - Dama dama Fallow Deer Gamo Común open countryside 038
ARTIODACTYLA - Cervidae - Munriacus reevesi Reeves Muntjack Deer Muntíaco de Reeves open countryside 039
ARTIODACTYLA - Cervidae - Rangifer tarandus Reeves Muntjack Deer Muntíaco de Reeves open countryside 039
CARNIVORA - Mustelidae - Mustela erminea Stoat Armiño open countryside 054
CARNIVORA - Mustelidae - Martes martes European Pine Marten Marta zoo 048
CARNIVORA - Mustelidae - Mustela putorius x Mustela furo Polecat-Ferret hybrid Híbrido de Turón-Hurón rescue centre 049
CARNIVORA - Canidae - Vulpes vulpes Red Fox Zorro Común city garden 045
CARNIVORA - Canidae - Vulpes lagopus Arctic Fox Zorrro Ártico wild life centre 046
EULIPOTYPHLA - Erinaceidae - Erinaceinae europaeus Hedgehog Erizo Común open countryside 056
LAGOMORPHA - Leopridae - Lepus europaeus Brown Hare Liebre Común open countryside 044
LAGOMORPHA -Leopridae- Lepus timidus Mountain Hare Liebre de Montaña open countryside 043
LAGOMORPHA - Leopridae - Orcytolagus cuniculus European Rabbit Conejo Europeo open countryside 050
RODENTIA - Cricetidae - Myodes glareolus Bank Vole Topillo Rojo country park 053
RODENTIA - Muridae - Rattus norvegicus Brown Rat Rata Parda nature reserve 042
RODENTIA - Scieuidae - Sciurus caroliensis Grey Squirrel Ardilla de la Carolinas country park 055
RODENTIA - Soricidae - Sorex araneus Common Shrew Musaraña Bicolor country park 052


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contact: martin @ eayrs . com

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