Manchester, UK
I am a recently retired University Lecturer in English for Academic Purposes, with extensive experience in proof-reading and copy-editing.
I have spent much of my working life teaching Academic Writing, and have a great deal of experience reworking texts from people whose first language is not English.
I can help you with your paper, thesis or dissertation, and can make sure that it is well formatted, correctly spelled and in grammatical English that is clear and coherent.
The finished version I will give you will indicate clearly all the changes I have made using Microsoft Word's 'track changes' function. I will also 'comment' the text where appropriate.
Follow the links for full details of how I can help you, and to understand exactly what I can and cannot do for you. For an estimate, download a request form here. Or simply send me an email with your questions.
Short examples of text received, with edited versions

What I can do for you
What I can not do for you
How much will it cost?
How long will it take?
What do I have to do?
My qualifications
Client testimonials
1. What I can do for you
I can and will do the following:
- In principle I will proofread and edit texts (essays, dissertations, etc) in the general areas of Advertising, Anthropology, Archaeology, Architecture, the Arts, Biology (some areas), Business Management (some areas), Ecology, Environmental Science, Geography and Earth Sciences, History, Humanities, Law, Marketing, Media, Music & Performance and Zoology.
- I will accept texts in any version of Microsoft Word and return work as either Microsoft .doc or .docx files.I can also provide final texts in PDF format if required.
- I will agree with you the final cost and delivery date before I start work.
- I will correct and standardise spelling, grammar, style and register as required, Unless requested otherwise I will follow UK spelling and grammar conventions.
- I will check text for general clarity and intelligibility, and will make appropriate changes to 'awkward' word choices and sentences.
- I will standardise font, fontsize, spacing between words and paragraphs, section numbering, etc., as per the required specifications of your institution or publisher (you will need to send me details of these). I will do this using Microsoft Word Style Sheets.
- I will provide you with two finished electronic versions: one an improved version of the supplied text and the second a Microsoft Word 'track changes' document that compares the improved version with the original and makes additional observations through the Microsoft Word 'comments' feature.
2. What I can not do for you
I cannot and will not do the following:
- I will not accept a text in subject areas where I do not feel competent to take decisions. For this reason I will not accept texts that come from the areas of Acounting, Banking, Economics, Finance, Health, Medicine, Pharmacology, Science (most areas), Technology or Engineering.
- I will not accept handwritten texts or texts printed on paper.
- I will not accept files that contain macros or have been generated in non-English versions of Microsoft Word..
- I will not accept electronic texts that are not submitted as Microsoft Word files.
- I will not make any changes to charts, diagrams or other graphics.
- I will not create charts, diagrams or graphics or write captions or legends for these.
- I will not make changes of any kind to facts, arguments or other content in any way other than making sure that what is said is grammatical and coherent.
- I will not change or provide thesis statements nor ensure that related sentences and paragraphs are consistent with these.
- I will not alter the order of sentences within paragraphs, or move any ideas or text from one paragraph to another.
- If you have used link-words (e.g. 'although', 'despite', 'whereas') or sequencers/enumerators (e.g. 'firstly', 'next', 'finally') I will ensure that these are used coherently but I will not put these in where they are absent.
- I will not modify or standardise your bibliographic references, I will not check your in-text citations and I will not check that the in-text citations match up with your references.
- I will not check your text for plagiarism.
- I will not meet personally with students for discussion of their work. All discussion will be done by email and/or mobile phone.
- I reserve the right not to accept texts for proofreading if the English is of a low standard, incoherent or for any other reason I do not feel I can perform the work competently.
3. How much will it cost?
The cost to you will depend on how much work I have to do, so I can not give you an exact price before seeing the work. My basic charge for any work up to and including 2,000 words is £25*, and for each hundred words or part thereof over 2.000 words I will charge an additional £2.50.
I may ask for a higher fee under the following circumstances:
- your text requires extra work (there are various reasons for this, which I will explain as relevant)
- you want the work done in a hurry
- you want me to work in the evenings or at weekends
I will ask you to email me the full text you would like me to proofread and then I will agree a final price with you before I start working. This price will not change, but once you have agreed the work can not then be cancelled.
Texts can be exchanged through email. Payment may be made by PayPal or by online transfer, or by other means by arrangement, but however payment is made it will need to be received before I deliver the finished work.
*Prices quoted in pounds sterling (£GB) will be converted to US dollars at the rate on the day of completion as published at Oanda.Com (Interbank rate). Invoices will be issued from the UK and Pounds sterling and US dollars are the only currencies I will accept.
4. How long will it take?
I can generally guarantee to get a text back within ten working days, and for short texts often sooner. However, before agreeing with you to start the work I will give you a firm completion date.
If you need a piece of work done more urgently this may be possible but there will be an extra cost. This will be agreed with you before I start work.
5. What do I have to do?
If you have read the text above and you think you would like me to work for you, you should send a request form and copy of your text (as a Microsoft Word document) to proofreading@eayrs.com and ask for a quote. Tell me whether you want me to treat it as 'urgent' or 'standard' - this will affect the quote.You can also ask me any other questions you may have.
If you have any other questions please feel free to mail me at any time at the same email address.
6. My Qualifications
The following brief details will tell you a little more about me. You will find a more complete cv here.
- Visiting lecturer, University of Bedfordshire (current)
- Academic Director, INTO Manchester (2009-10)
- Head of Study Group's International Study Centre at Lancaster University (2007-9)
- Full time Lecturer in EFL/EAP at University of Salford, UK (2002-7) and occasional part-time lecturer (ongoing)
- Part-time lecturer at University of Essex (2000-200)
- Director of Victoria School of English, Buenos Aires (1981-1997)
- Full time lecturer at Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela (1976-79)
- Masters Degree
(MA) in Linguistics and English Language Teaching, University of Leeds
- Masters Degree in Creative Writing, Manchester Metropolitn University (ongoing).
- Certificate in Archaeology, Lancaster University
- Certificate in Family History, University of Central Lancashire,
- Certificate in Business Management, BCIF Essex
- Advanced Professional Certificate in Management (uncompleted)
- Qualified Teacher Status (DES 74)
- Postgraduate Diploma
in the Teaching of English Overseas (Dip TEO), University of Manchester, UK.
- Postgraduate Certificate
in Education (PGCE), University of Manchester, UK.
- BA (Hons) in English
and Spanish Literature, University of Birmingham, UK.
- Extensive experience in translation from Spanish to English (see here for details)
- Member of Publications Committee, IATEFL, for six years.
- Editor IATEFL
Issues and IATEFL Voices for seven years
- Web content editor and IT section editor for Modern English Teacher for three years
- Web content editor, site administrator and publications production manager for the Materials Development Association (MATSDA) for three years
- Section editor for EnglishLive Internet magazine for two years
- Publisher/Editor of ELT
News & Views, a magazine for South American Teachers of English for seven years
- Editor of IATEFL Argentina newsletter for three years
- Columnist for Buenos
Aires Herald, Argentina for seventeen years
- Author of English Markets: Latin America, The English Company, 1999
- Author of English 2000 Landmark Review – Argentina, The British Council, 1997
- Author of Computer English, Penguin, London, 2000. Republished by Pearson Taiwan 2002. Republished by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, China 2003ears